Portmore Community College
Online Library Catalogue


Your search returned 2 results.

A knot in the thread : The life and work of Jacques Roumain / Carolyn Fowler. by Publisher: Washington : Howard University Press, c1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus (1)Location, call number: Open Shelf Reference R 841 FOW.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa / by Walter Rodney with a postscript by A.M. Babu. by
Edition: Revised edition.
Publisher: Washington, D.C : Howard University Press, c1981
Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus (1)Location, call number: West Indies Collection RBC/WIC 330.96 ROD.


©Portmore Community College

Email: library@pcc.edu.jm (Main Library) OR ohlibrary@pcc.edu.jm (Old Harbour Library)

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