Portmore Community College
Online Library Catalogue


Your search returned 23 results.

The European Union : politics and policies / John McCormick. by Series: The new Europe : interdisciplinary perspectives | New Europe (Boulder, Colo.)Publisher: Boulder, Colorado Westview Press 1996
Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus (1)Location, call number: Reserve Book Collection RBC 341.242 MCC.

The European Union : a guide for students and teachers / Janet Maughan; illustrations: Paul George, Clare Hoare, Mattew Walsh, Laura Willis. by Publisher: London: Office of the European Parliament and Representation of the European Commission, c1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus (1)Location, call number: Reserve Book Collection PAM 341.2422 MAU.

The single European market and its implications for Korea as an NIE papers and discussions from a joint KDI/FES conference / Soogil Young (editor); Moonsoo Kang. by Seoul, Korea : Korea Development Institutes, 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Old Harbour Campus (1)Location, call number: Open Shelf Reference R 382.914209519250 SIN.


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