Shepherd, Verene A.

I Want to Disturb my Neighbour : Lectures on Slavery, Emancipation, and Postcolonial Jamaica / Shepherd, Verene A. - xiii, 378 pages ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 349-371) and index.

Knowledge production in the Caribbean: contemporary writings, the construction of 'Africa(n)' and the task of reconstruction - - Culture, creolization and marronage in the Caribbean: engaging with the writings of Rex Nettleford - - 'Sex in the tropics': women, gender and sexuality in the discourses of Asian labour migration to the British-Colonized Caribbean - - University of the West Indies and the decolonization project - - Roots and routes: intra- Caribbean trade links since the fifteenth century - - 'Groundings' with Tacky (Takyi) on history , heritage and activism - - Revolution and post-revolution: re-imaging and rethinking Haiti - - 'Petticoat rebellion'?: women and emancipation in colonial Jamaica - - 'Beside every successful man': the unsung activists of the 1831-1832 emancipation war in Jamaica - - Apprenticeship and indentureship: re/placing slavery in the British-Colonized Caribbean - historical trends - - 'My feet is [sic] my only carriage: gender and labour mobility in the post-slavery Caribbean - - The politics of migration: official policy towards Indians in Jamaica, 1845- 1945 - - 'Dear Mrs. Seacole': 'groundings' with Mary Seacole on slavery, gender and citizenship - - 'Up from slavery': the legacy of slavery and the project of emancipation in the commonwealth Caribbean - - Ranking game: discourses of belongings in Jamaican history - - Emancipation proclamation and August 1, 1838: text and context - - 'I want to disturb my neighbour' and 'The man at the door' in an age of individualism - - After the exhibition is gone: public memory is an age of historical amnesia - - Case for reparation: historical basis - - Challenging masculine myths: gender, history education and development in Jamaica - - From redemption song to remembrance walls: establishing war memorials for anti-slavery rebels.

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Slavery--History.--Caribbean Area
Slaves--Emancipation--History.--Caribbean Area
Sex role--Jamaica.
Sex role--Caribbean Area.

HT1091 / .S54 2007