Portmore Community College
Online Library Catalogue


Ideology and Caribbean Integration /

Boxill, Ian.

Ideology and Caribbean Integration / Ian Boxill; with an Introduction by the Hon. William G. Demas. - xiii, 128 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - New generation series, [Number 1] 0799-0057 ; . - New generation series (Kingston, Jamaica). .

Includes bibliographical references (pages [123]-128) and index.

"Thoroughly reviews regional integration efforts by Caribbean nations. Analyzes Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) and Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and points out their weaknesses. Argues for the need for a regional ideology, including a pan-national identity, agreed-upon explanations for causes of shared past problems and ways to solve them, and consensus on building successful regional integration"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57 http://www.loc.gov/hlas.



Caribbean community.

Regionalism--Caribbean Area.

HC151 / .B7 1993

©Portmore Community College

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