A dictionary of finance and banking.
A dictionary of finance and banking.
- 2nd ed / [editors, Brian Butler, David Butler, Alan Isaacs ; contributors, Brian Butler ... et al.].
- 378 p ; 20 cm.
- Oxford paperback reference .
Rev. ed. of: A dictionary of finance. 1993. "A companion volume to A dictionary of business and A dictionary of accounting"--Pref.
1620 Lexile.
0192800671 (Pbk.)
Banks and banking--Dictionaries.
HG151 / .D54 1997
Rev. ed. of: A dictionary of finance. 1993. "A companion volume to A dictionary of business and A dictionary of accounting"--Pref.
1620 Lexile.
0192800671 (Pbk.)
Banks and banking--Dictionaries.
HG151 / .D54 1997