Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls /
Dittmer, Paul.
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls / Paul R. Dittmer, J. Desmond Keefe III. - Eighth edition - xvi, 638 pages : illustration ; 25 cm + 1 computer disk (3 1/2 inches).
0471429929 (acid-free)
Food service--Cost control
TX911.3.C65 / D57 2006
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls / Paul R. Dittmer, J. Desmond Keefe III. - Eighth edition - xvi, 638 pages : illustration ; 25 cm + 1 computer disk (3 1/2 inches).
0471429929 (acid-free)
Food service--Cost control
TX911.3.C65 / D57 2006