Your search returned 30 results.

Social studies and the elementary school child by
Edition: 6th Ed.
Publication details: New Jersey, U.S.A Merrill Prentice Hall
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Classroom assessment supporting teaching and learning in real classrooms Susan Bobbilt Nolen by
Publication details: New Jersey Pearson Prentice Hall
Availability: Items available for loan: (1). Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Teaching to Change the World Martin Lipton by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: U.S.A. McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Activating and engaging habits of mind / edited by Arthur L. Costa ; Bena Kallick; foreword by David Perkins. by Series: Habits of mind, bk. 2
Publication details: Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2000
Other title:
  • Activating and engaging habits of mind
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1)Location, call number: RBC 155.413 A1885.

Classroom instruction that works research-bared strategies for increasing student achievement Debra J.Pickering,Jane E. Pollock by
Publication details: Virginia(U.S.A) Suprevision and Curiculum Development
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Classroom instruction that works research basic strategies for increasing students achievement Robert J. Marzano Debra J. Pickering, Jane E. Pollock by
Publication details: U. S. A Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Availability: Items available for loan: (1). Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

The discipline of hope learning from a lifetime of teaching by
Publication details: New York Simon Schuster
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Social studies and the elementary school child by
Edition: 6th ed.
Publication details: New Jersey Prentice Hall,Inc.
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Improving student learning one teacher at a time Jane E. Pollock by
Publication details: Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks 371.102 P7773.

Teaching actively eight steps and thirty-two strategies to spark learning in any classroom by
Publication details: Boston Pearson Education,Inc.
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

25 biggest mistakes teachers make and how to avoid them by
Publication details: California Corwin Press, Inc.
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Checking for understanding formative assessment techniques for your classroom Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey by
Publication details: Alexandria Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks 371.271 F5372.

Activating the desire to learn / Bob Sullo by
Publication details: Alexandria, VA: Association for Suporvision and Curriculun Development 2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks 370.154 S952.

Classroom management that works Research-based strategies for every teacher Robert Marzano, Jana S. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering by
Publication details: Alexandria Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks 371.1024 M3939.

Educational psychology a practitioner-researcher model of teaching Richard D. Parsons by
Publication details: California WadsworthThomson learning 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1)Location, call number: 370.15 P272.

Planning effective instruction diversity responsive methods and management Karna L. Nelson by
Publication details: California Thomson/Wadsworth
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Your first year of teaching: guidelines for success Richard D. Kellough by Series: What every Teacher Should Know About
Edition: 5th ed
Publication details: Boston, MA: Pearson Education,Inc. 2009
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (2)Location, call number: General Stacks 371.14 K2956, ...

Obsevation skills for effective teaching by
Edition: 6th Ed.
Publication details: Boston Pearson Education Inc./Allyn Bacon
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

Focus elevating the essentials to radically improve student learning Mike Schmoker by
Publication details: Alexandria, Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks 371.102 S3549.

Developing professional practice 7-14 Sue Kendell-Seatter by
Publication details: New York Longman Pearson
Availability: Items available for loan: Shortwood Teachers' College Library (1).

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