Charlotte Huck's children's literature /

Kiefer, Barbara Zulandt

Charlotte Huck's children's literature / Children's literature Children's literature in the elementary school. Barbara Zulandt Kiefer; Susan Ingrid Hepler; Janet Hickman; Charlotte S Huck - 9th ed. - Boston, MA : McGraw-Hill, 2007. - xxvii, 713 [56]p. ill. 29cm

Revised edition of: Children's literature in the elementary school, c2004. Includes index

Learning About Books and Children : Knowing children's literature: Children's literature defined ; Valuing literature for children ; Evaluating children's fiction ; Classics in children's literature ; The book awards --
Understanding children's responses to literature: Reading interests and preferences ; Growth patterns that influence response ; Response in the classroom --
The changing world of children's books and the development of multicultural literature: A worldwide tradition of story ; Early beginnings of western children's literature ; Children's books: the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ; Children's literature: the nineteenth century ; Children's literature: the twentieth century ; The multicultural world of children's books ; Recent trends in children's books. II. Exploring Children's Literature : Books to begin on: Developing initial literacy ; Babies' first books ; Toy books ; Finger rhymes and nursery songs ; Mother Goose ; Alphabet books ; Counting books ; Concept books ; Wordless books ; Books about the common experiences of young children ; Books for the beginning reader --
Picture books: The picture book defined ; The art and artists of picture books ; The matter of style ; The language of picture books ; The content of picture books ; Themes and subjects in picture books --
Traditional literature: A perspective on traditional literature ; Folktales ; Fables ; Myths ; Epic and legendary heroes ; The Bible as literature --
Modern fantasy: Fantasy for today's child ; Modern fairy tales ; Modern fantasy ; Science fiction --
Poetry: The meaning of poetry ; Selecting poetry for children ; Sharing poetry with children --
Contemporary realistic fiction: Realism in contemporary children's literature ; Becoming one's own person ; Coping with problems of the human condition ; Living in a diverse world ; Popular types of realistic fiction --
Historical fiction: Historical fiction for today's child ; Stories of prehistoric times ; Stories of the eastern hemisphere ; Stories of the western hemisphere ; Into the twentieth century --
Nonfiction books: Trends in nonfiction books ; Criteria for evaluating nonfiction books ; Types of nonfiction books ; Using literature across the curriculum --
Biography: Biography for today's child ; Criteria for juvenile biography ; Types of presentation and coverage ; Autobiographies and memoirs. III. Developing a literature program : Planning the literature program: Purposes of the literature program ; Literature-based programs ; Components of a literature program ; Sharing literature with children ; Providing time to read books ; Providing time to talk about books ; Providing time for the in-depth study of books ; Connecting literature and life ; Connecting books across the curriculum ; Assessment and evaluation ; The school and the community --
Appendices : A: Children's Book Awards --
B: Book Selection Aids --
C: Publishers' Addresses.


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