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Your search returned 35 results.

Politics and education in Puerto Rico: a documentary survey of the language issue / Compiled by Erwin H. Epstein. by
Publication details: Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (2).

The modernization of Puerto Rico : a political study of changing values and institutions. by
Publication details: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (2).

The aborigines of Porto Rico and neighboring islands. by Series: Landmarks in anthropology | Landmarks in anthropology
Publication details: New York, Johnson Reprint Corp. [1970]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 972.9502 Few. OCLC Data (1)Call number: 972.9502 Few .

Strangers--then neighbors : from Pilgrims to Puerto Ricans / by Clarence Senior. by
Publication details: New York : Freedom Books, 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

We, the Puerto Rican people; a story of oppression and resistance. Translated by Cedric Belfrage. by Language: English Original language: Spanish
Publication details: New York [Monthly Review Press], [1971]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The Puerto Ricans. by
Publication details: New York, Oxford University Press, 1958
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The politics of Puerto Rican University students / Arthur Liebman. by Series: Latin American monographs ; no. 20 | Latin American monographs (University of Texas at Austin. Institute of Latin American Studies) ; no. 20.
Publication details: Austin : Published for the Institute of Latin American Studies, by University of Texas Press , [1970]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Puerto Rico, ally for progress. Earl Parker Hanson. by Series: Van Nostrand searchlight book ; no. 7 | Van Nostrand searchlight book ; no. 7.
Publication details: Princeton, N.J. : Van Nostrand, [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 972.95 Han. OCLC Data (1)Call number: 972.95 Han.

The Puerto Rican woman; her life and evolution throughout history. Translated from the Spanish by Anthony Rawlings. by Series: Puerto Rican heritage series | A Plus Ultra book ; 4 | Puerto Rican heritage seriesLanguage: English Original language: Spanish
Publication details: [New York] Plus Ultra Educational Publishers [1972]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Transformation: the story of modern Puerto Rico. by
Publication details: New York, Simon and Schuster, 1955
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Puerto Rican politics and the New Deal. Thomas Mathews. by
Publication details: Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 1960
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 972.9505 Mat. OCLC Data (1)Call number: 972.9505 Mat.

The stricken land, the story of Puerto Rico, by Rexford Guy Tugwell. by
Publication details: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1947 [i.e. 1946]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 972.95 Tug. OCLC Data (1)Call number: 972.95 Tug.

Puerto Rico : freedom and power in the Caribbean / Gordon K. Lewis. by
Publication details: New York : [Monthly Review Press], 1963
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 917.295 Lew. OCLC Data (1).

Party politics in Puerto Rico [by] Robert W. Anderson. by
Publication details: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1965
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).


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