In the Beautiful Caribbean
Publication details: Ward Theatre 19720422Subject(s):- Michael Thomas 20100602
Michael Thomas 20100602
Aggrey Irons Stage Manager
Ainsley Wright Lighting Operations
Ann Martin Wardrobe Misstress
Anson Currie Sound Assis
Barry Chin Fook Music, Additional Lyrics
Barry Reckford Writer
Bob Bell Publicity Photographer
Colin Garland Artwork for Publicity
David Ashley Assis. Director
Dennis Scott Assoc. Director
Emma Crooks Props
Gillian Hickling Lighting Operator
Franklyn St. Juste Lighting Designer
Lloyd Reckford Director
Margaret Bernal Publicity
Ossie Harvey Sound
Richard Montgomery Set
Rupert Cunningham Music, Additional Lyrics
Sally Montgomery Costume
Tony Smith Assis. Stage Manager
Aggrey Irons Policeman
Ann Marie Martin Fisherwoman
Aston Williams
Barbara Anderson Fisherwoman
Carl Ogilvie
Carol Farr Fisherwoman
Charles Prescott
Chris Leon Dot
Conrad Kettner
Dennis Scott Zikky
Donette Tapper
Earl Mr. Hunt
Edward D. McCarthy Voice of U.S President
Elaine Wint Beth
Errol Knibbs
Frederic Garrick
Hans Gunther
Hope Robb Fay
Huntley Douglas
Joseph Taffer Ordinance
Keith Amiel Rufus
Lorna Farr Fisherwoman
Lucia Whyte Marie
Manfred Bischoff
Marguerite Newland Young Gal
Michael Hutchinson
Mortimer Planno Rastafari Priest
Oliver Hall
Pat Robinson
Pauline Stone Mercina
Rawle Gibbons Jonathan
Richard Burkhauser
Rudolph Yearde Czar
Terry Shaw
Thomas Bryce
Victor Patterson Judge
Volier Johnson Ralph
Waiyn Whyte One Son
William Redwood Youth
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