Your search returned 4 results.

The Kingston Anemometer, or Record of observations upon the hourly velocity and force of the wind throughout the three years - March 1892, to February 1895, - with other notes, including tables and diagrams. PRINT by [Place of publication not identified] : [Publisher not identified], [Date not identified]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: O 551.518 Ja Bre.

The Kingston anemometer, or record of observations upon the hourly velocity and force of the wind throughout the three years, March 1892, to February 1895, with other notes, including tables and diagrams / [J.F. Brennan]. by Series: Meteorological observations [report] / Jamaica ; no. 200 | Meteorological observations report ; no. 200.
Publication details: Kingston, Jamaica : G.P.O., 1896
Other title:
  • Record of observations upon the hourly velocity and force of the wind throughout the three years, March 1892, to February 1895, with other notes, including tables and diagrams
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Jamaica, West Indies, parish rainfall for decade 1925 to 1934 with map / [J.F. Brennan]. by Series: Meteorological observations [report] / Jamaica ; no. 701 | Meteorological observations report ; no. 701.
Publication details: [Kingston, Jamaica] : [G.P.O.], [1935]
Other title:
  • Parishes rainfall, years 1925-1934
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).


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