Burnin' / The Wailers by
- Blackwell, Chris, (Christopher Percy Gordon Blackwell), 1937 - [producer]
- Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley), 1945 - 1981 [songwriter, singer, performer, musician]
- Peter Tosh (Winston Hubert McIntosh), 1944 -1987 [songwriter, musician, performer, singer]
- Watt, Jean [songwriter]
- Platt, Tony [engineer]
- Brown, Phil [engineer]
- Anderson, Esther [photographer]
- Visualeyes [designer]
- Diament, Barry
- Fraboni, Rob
- The Wailers [producers, performers, musicians]
Language: English Producer: Kingston, Jamaica : Tuff Gong Music Limited, 1973Distributor: New York : Island Records, Inc. , 1973Copyright date: © 1973
Availability: Items available for reference: National Library of Jamaica: Not For Loan (1).
Uprising / Bob Marley & The Wailers by
- Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley), 1945-1981 [producer, singer, musician, performer]
- Blackwell, Chris, (Christopher Percy Gordon Blackwell), 1937- [producer.]
- Barrett, Aston, 1946- [musician.]
- Barrett, Carlton, 1950-1987 [musician.]
- Downie, Tyrone, 1956 - [musician, singer.]
- Patterson, Alvin, 1930 - [musician.]
- Marvin, Junior, 1969 - [musician, singer.]
- Lindo, Earl, 1953 - 2017 [musician.]
- Anderson, Al, (Albert Anderson), 1950 - [musician.]
- Marley, Rita, (Alpharita Constantia Marley), 1946- [singer]
- Griffiths, Marcia, 1949- [singer]
- Mowatt, Judy, 1952- [singer.]
- Garrick, Neville [illustrator]
- Diament, Barry
- Fiaboni, Rob
- Brown, Errol [recording engineer.]
- Ng, Chiao [recording engineer.]
Language: English Producer: Kingston, Jamaica : Tuff Gong Music Limited, 1980Distributor: New York : Island Records, 1980Copyright date: © 1980
Other title: - Uprising / Bob Marley and The Wailers
Availability: Items available for reference: National Library of Jamaica: Not For Loan (1).
Exodus / Bob Marley & The Wailers by
- (Robert Nesta Marley), 1945 - 1981 [producer, songwriter, singer, musician, performer]
- Barrett, Aston, 1946 - [musician, mixing engineer]
- Barret, Carlton, 1950 -1987 [musician]
- Downie, Tyrone, 1956 - [musician, singer]
- Patterson, Alvin, 1930 - 2021 [musician]
- Julian (Junior) Marvin (Donald Hanson Marvin Kerr Richards ) Jr, 1949 - [musician]
- Marley, Rita, (Alpharita Constantia Marley), 1946 - [singer]
- Griffiths, Marcia, 1949 - [singer]
- Mowatt, Judy, 1952 - [singer]
- Pitterson, Karl [engineer, mixing engineer]
- Blackwell, Chris, (Christopher Percy Gordon Blackwell), 1937 - [mixing engineer]
- Boot, Adrian [photographer]
- Garrick, Neville [photographer, designer]
- Diament, Barry
- Fraboni, Rob
Language: English Producer: Kingston, Jamaica : Tuff Gong Music Limited, 1977Distributor: New York, U.S.A. : Island Records, Inc. , 1977Copyright date: © 1977
Other title: - Exodus : Movement of Jah People
Availability: Items available for reference: National Library of Jamaica: Not For Loan (1).
Kaya / Bob Marley & The Wailers by
- Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley), 1945 - 1981 [producer, singer, musician, performer, songwriter]
- Blackwell, Chris, (Christopher Percy Gordon Blackwell), 1937 - [producer, mixing engineer]
- Barret, Aston, 1946 - [musician]
- Barrett, Carlton, 1950 -1987 [musician]
- Downie, Tyrone, 1956 - [musician]
- Patterson, Alvin, 1930 - 2021 [musician]
- Marvin, Julian (Junior), 1949 - [musician]
- Marley, Rita, (Alpharita Constantia Marley), 1946 - [singer]
- Griffiths, Marcia, 1949 - [singer]
- Mowatt, Judy, 1952 - [singer]
- Gordon, Vin [musician]
- Da Costa, Glen [musician]
- Madden, David [musician]
- Pitterson, Karl [engineer]
- Sadkin, Alex [engineer]
- Barham, Terry [assistant engineer]
- Ash, Robert [mixing engineer]
- Simon, Kate [photographer]
- Garrick, Neville [designer]
- Smykle, Paul [illustrator]
- Diament, Barry
- Fraboni, Rob
Language: English Producer: Kingston, Jamaica : Tuff Gong Music Limited, 1978Distributor: New York : Island Records, 1978Copyright date: © 1978
Availability: Items available for reference: National Library of Jamaica: Not For Loan (1).
Rebel Music / Bob Marley and the Wailers by
- Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley), 1945 -1981 [producer, songwriter, musician, performer]
- Blackwell, Chris, (Christopher Percy Gordon Blackwell), 1937 - [producer]
- Smykle, Paul [mixing engineer]
- Barrett, A., (Aston Francis Barrett), 1946 - [songwriter, musician]
- Peart, H. (Hugh Peart ) [songwriter]
- Sadkin, Alex [producer]
- Corgil, L [songwriter]
- Barrett, C. (Carlton Barrett), 1950 - 1987 [songwriter, musician]
- Cole, A. (Allan Cole) [songwriter]
- Nuber, Jack [producer]
- Ford, V. (Vincent Ford), 1940 -2008 [songwriter]
- Tosh, P. (Winston Hubert McIntosh), 1944 - 1987 [songwriter, musician, performer]
- Boot, Adrian [photographer]
- Spencer, Neil [writer]
- Diament, Barry
- Fraboni, Rob
- The Wailers [producer, musicians, performer]
- Island Art [designer]
Language: English Producer: Kingston, Jamaica : Tuff Gong Music Limited, 1986Distributor: New York : Island Record, 1986Copyright date: © 1986
Availability: Items available for reference: National Library of Jamaica: Not For Loan (1).
Catch a Fire / Bob Marley & The Wailers by
- Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley), 1945 - 1981 [producer, songwriter, singer, musician, performer]
- Blackwell, Chris, (Christopher Percy Gordon Blackwell), 1937 - [producer]
- Barrett, Aston, 1946 - [musician]
- Barret, Carlton, 1950 -1987 [musician]
- Mackintosh, Peter, (Winston Hubert McIntosh), 1944 -1987 [songwriter, musician, singer, performer]
- Livingstone, Bunny, (Neville O'Riley Livingston), 1947 - 2021 [musician, singer, performer]
- Lee, Carlton [engineer]
- Barrett, Stu [engineer]
- Platt, Tony [engineer]
- Bonis, John [artist]
- Anderson, Esther [photographer]
- Diament, Barry
- Fraboni, Rob
Language: English Producer: Kingston, Jamaica : Tuff Gong International, 1973Distributor: New York : Island Records, 1973Copyright date: © 1973
Availability: Items available for reference: National Library of Jamaica: Not For Loan (1).
Natty Dread / Bob Marley & The Wailers by
- Bob Marley, (Robert Nesta Marley), 1945-1981 [producer, singer, musician, performer, songwriter]
- Blackwell, Chris, (Christopher Percy Gordon Blackwell), 1937- [producer.]
- Barrett, Aston, 1946- [musician., songwriter]
- Barrett, Carlton, 1950-1987 [musician., songwriter]
- Touter (Bernard Harvey) [musician]
- Anderson, Al, (Albert Anderson), 1950 - [musician]
- Marley, Rita, (Alpharita Constantia Marley), 1946- [singer, songwriter]
- Griffiths, Marcia, 1949- [singer]
- Mowatt, Judy, 1952- [singer.]
- Ford, V., (Vincent Ford), 1940 -2008 [songwriter]
- Cogil, L [songwriter]
- Peart, H., (Hugh Peart) [songwriter]
- Francisco, W [songwriter]
- Cole, A., (Allan Cole) [songwriter]
- Morris, Syl, (Sylvan Morris) [engineer]
- Ault, Phil [engineer]
- Bucknor, Sid, ( Norman Bucknor) [engineer]
- Wright, Tony [artist]
- Morris, Dennis [photographer]
- Diament, Barry
- Fraboni, Rob
Language: English Producer: Kingston, Jamaica Tuff Gong Music Limited, 1974Distributor: New York : Island Records, 1974Copyright date: © 1974
Availability: Items available for reference: National Library of Jamaica: Not For Loan (1).