Your search returned 47 results.

Garvey Africa, Europe and the Americas by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 305.896073 Ja Gar.

Back to Africa George Ross and the Maroons : from Nova Scotia to Sierra Leone by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 966.4729 Ja Cam.

Garvey his work and impact by
Edition: Rev. ed.
Publication details: Trenton N.J. Africa World Press 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: 305.89607292 Ja Gar, ...

The Maroons of Jamaica : a history of resistance collaboration and betrayal / Mavis C. Campbell 1655-1796 PRINT by Series: Title
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 1990
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 972.9203 Ja Cam.

Daughters of the sun, women of the moon poetry by black Canadian women by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press [1990?]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 811.008 WI Dau.

The Rastra cookbook foreword by Ivor Osbourne by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J African World Press 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 641.563609729 WI Ras.

African dance an artistic, historical and philosophical inguiry by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press 1996
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 792.8096 WI Afr.

Walter Rodney speaks the making of an African intellectual with an introduction by Robert Hill ; foreword by Howard Dodson by Series: African studies
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press c1990
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 305.896 WI Rod.

The caves of Guatemala by
Publication details: [Trenton, N.J. National Speleological Society] 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: Pam 551.44 WI Gur.

Ex-iles essays on Caribbean cinema by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 791.4309729 WI Exi.

<The> caves of Guatemala by
Publication details: [Trenton, N.J. National Speleological Society] 1962
Availability: No items available.

Marcus Garvey anti-colonial champion by Rupert Lewis by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: 305.89607292 Ja Lew, ... OCLC Data (1)Call number: 305.89607292 Ja Lew.

Decolonizing theology a Caribbean perspective Noel Leo Erskine by Series: Title
Edition: 1st African World Press ed
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 230.09729 Ja Ers. OCLC Data (2)Call number: 230.09729 Ja Ers, ...

The Maroons of Jamaica 1655-1796 a history of resistance collaboration and betrayal Mavis C. Campbell by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press 1990
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The caves of Guatemala Russell H. Gurnee by
Publication details: [Trenton, N.J.] [National Speleological Society] 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Out of Kumbla : Caribbean women and literature / edited by Carole Boyce Davies & Elaine Savory Fido. by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 1990
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Notes on the caves of Jamaica / William B. White. by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. : National Speleogical Society , 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Marcus Garvey : anti-colonial champion / by Rupert Lewis. by
Edition: 1st American ed.
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 1988
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Footsoldiers of the Universal Negro Improvement Association : their own words / Jeannette Smith-Irvin. by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, [1989]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Walter Rodney speaks: the making of an African intellectual / with an introduction by Robert Hill ; foreword by Howard Dodson. by
Publication details: Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 1990
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).


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