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Your search returned 491 results.

Press freedom and the rule of the law by Series: Title
Publication details: Paris UNESCO Publishing 1996
Availability: No items available.

Successful innovations in commonwealth Caribbean education by Series: Title
Publication details: Paris UNESCO Publishing 1998
Availability: No items available.

Pointers for parents consulting editor Janet Brown by
Publication details: Kingston Caribbean Images Ltd for UNESCO c1991
Availability: No items available.

A study on public documents in the English-speaking Caribbean by Series: PGI-84/WS/18, Paris, June 1984 | Title
Publication details: Paris UNESCO c1984
Availability: No items available.

Service in the sun report of the UNESCO Kingston, Jamaica Office 1998 - 1999
Publication details: Kingston The Towers, 3rd floor, 25 Dominica Drive UNESCO 1999
Availability: No items available.

Social studies in Caribbean schools some challenges for instruction and assessment by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

Belize primary education development project improving quality in the provision of education in Belize an examination of the impact of a basic education project by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

Language is more that language in the development of Curacao by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

The Caribbean Examinations Council responding to the educational development needs of the region by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

The EFA assessment process in the Caribbean and the quest for inclusion and quality implications for adult and teacher education by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 2000
Availability: No items available.

Education for all in Haiti over the last 20 years assessment and perspective by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 2000
Availability: No items available.

Introduction of information technology to schools in Jamaica by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The Office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 2000
Availability: No items available.

Phoenix in the ashes adult literacy in the Commonwealth Caribbean by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) and education for all by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

The boundries between Caribbean beliefs and practices and conventional science implications for science education in the Caribbean by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

Communication and education about AIDS a study of medical students' view in the context of actual strategies adopted in Trinidad and Tobago by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 1999
Availability: No items available.

Educating for peace, changing the culture of the classroom a report on an innovative teacher training programme implemented by UNESCO CARNEID by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 2000
Availability: No items available.

Literacy and non-formal education in the Caribbean Guyana by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 2000
Availability: No items available.

Education and its impact on poverty equity or exclusion by Series: Education for all in the Caribbean | Title
Publication details: Kingston 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5 The office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean 2000
Availability: No items available.


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