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Your search returned 174 results.

Philanthropy and social welfare in Jamaica : an historical survey/ Patrick Bryan PRINT
Edition: 2nd ed
Publication details: Kingston (Mona, Kgn. 7) : Sir Authur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 361.8097292 Ja Bry. OCLC Data (1).

Problems of the Caribbean air transport industry by Series: Studies in regional economic integration
Publication details: Kingston Institute of Social and Economic Research 1967
Availability: No items available.

Problems of the Caribbean air transport industry by Series: Studies in regional economic integration
Publication details: Kingston Institute of Social and Economic Research 1967
Availability: No items available.

Problems of the Caribbean air transport industry by Series: Studies in regional economic integration
Publication details: Kingston Institute of Social and Economic Research 1967
Availability: No items available.

Strategies for organization of small farm agriculture in Jamaica by
Publication details: [Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7 Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI, and Rural Development Committee for International Studies, Cornell University 1985?]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: 338.16 Ja Str, ...

Plantations, peasants and state a study of the mode of sugar production in Guyana by Series: Afro-American culture and society
Publication details: Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7). Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI ; Los Angeles Centre for Afro-American Studies, University of California 1984
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: 338.1763109881 Ja Tho, ...

Technology policies for small developing economies a study of the Caribbean by Series: (Caribbean Technology Policy Studies Project)
Publication details: Kingston (Mona, Kgn. 7) Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI. 1983
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: 609.729 Ja Gir, ...

Secondary agrobased Industries ECCM and Barbados by Series: (Caribbean Technology Policy Studies Project)
Publication details: Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7 Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI 1984
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: 664.00972981 Ja Del, ...

Strike the iron a colony at war, Jamaica 1939-1945 by
Publication details: Atlantic Highlands, N.J. Humanities Press in Association with the Institute of Social Studies 1981
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (6)Call number: 972.92 Ja Pos, ...

Public finance and monetary policy in open economics a Caribbean perspective by Series: Regional programme of monetary studies
Publication details: Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7 Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI c1985
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 338.9729 Ja Jon.

Commercialization of technology and dependency in the Caribbean by Series: Caribbean technology policy studies project
Publication details: Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7 Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI 1985
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 338.9729 Ja Odl.

Technology transfer and capability in selected sectors case studies from the Caribbean by Series: Caribbean technology policy studies project
Publication details: Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7 Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI c1985
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 338.9729 Ja Tec.

Interest group Politics and Foreign Capital in Jamaica by Series: Regional programme of monetary studies
Publication details: Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7 Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI [1981]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: Pam 320.9 Ja McB.

Class, status and social mobility in Jamaica by Series: ISER population, mobility and development studies
Publication details: [Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7] Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI 1987
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: Pam 305.513 Ja Gor, ...

Garvey, Africa, Europe, the Americas by
Publication details: Kingston (Mona, Kgn. 7) Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (2)Call number: 305.89607292 Ja Gar, ...

Studies in foreign investmetn in the Commonwealth Caribbean no. 1 Trinidad and Tobago by
Publication details: [Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7] Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 332.67309729 Ja McI.

Jamaican revivalist cults by
Publication details: Jamaica Social and Economic Studies, Vol.5, No.4, Institute of Social and Economic Research, UCWI 1956
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 299 Ja Sim.

Local government reforms in Jamaica (1993-2000) an evaluation by Series: Title
Publication details: Kingston Mona, Kgn. 7 Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (4)Call number: 320.8 JaTin, ...

Study of external migration affecting Jamaica 1953-55 by
Publication details: Jamaica Institute of Social and Economic Research, UCWI 1958
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 325.27292 Ja Rob.

Sir Arthur Lewis an economic and political portrait by
Publication details: Kingston Regional Programme of Monetary Studies, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies c1991
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (2)Call number: 330.155 Ja Sir, ...


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