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Your search returned 394 results.

The tragedy of Morant Bay. by Series: The Black heritage library collection | Black heritage library collectionLanguage: English Summary language: Dutch
Publication details: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press, 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Peoples and cultures of the Caribbean : an anthropological reader / edited and with an introd. by Michael M. Horowitz. by
Edition: 1st ed.
Publication details: Garden City, N.Y. : Published for the American Museum of Natural History [by] the Natural History Press, 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Colombia, gateway to South America / by Kathleen Romoli. by
Edition: 1st ed.
Publication details: Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, Doran, 1941
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The university in the Kingdom of Guatemala / John Tate Lanning. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1955
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The eighteenth-century enlightenment in the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Univ. Press , [1956]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Cuba 1933 : prologue to revolution / by Luis E. Aguilar. by
Publication details: Ithaca [N.Y.] : Cornell University Press, 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Rails, mines, and progress : seven American promoters in Mexico, 1867-1911 / by David M. Pletcher. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y. : Published for the American Historical Association [by] Cornell University Press, 1958
Other title:
  • Seven American promoters in Mexico, 1867-1911
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Enterprise and adventure ; the Genoese in Seville and the opening of the New World / Ruth Pike. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, [1966]
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: 946.05 Pik. OCLC Data (1)Call number: 946.05 Pik.

The control of human fertility in Jamaica, by J. Mayone Stycos and Kurt W. Back. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell Univ. Press [ 1964]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Human fertility in Latin America; sociological perspectives [by] J. Mayone Stycos. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press [1968]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The Urban explosion in Latin America; a continent in process of modernization. Glenn H. Beyer, editor. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press [1967]
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The problem of slavery in Western culture / David Brion Davis. by Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1966
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

The island players. Ilka Chase. by
Edition: [1st ed.].
Publication details: Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1956
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: F Cha. OCLC Data (1)Call number: F Cha.

Cutlass empire / F. van Wyck Mason ; illustrations by John Alan Maxwell. by
Edition: First edition.
Garden City, New York : Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1949Garden City, N.Y. : The Country Life Press
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: F Ja Mas. OCLC Data (1)Call number: F Ja Mas.

Pidgin and creole languages, / Robert A. Hall, Jr. by
Publication details: Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1966
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

A preliminary survey of the manuscript collections found in the American Jewish Historical Society / compiled by the Library staff under the direction of Nathan M. Kaganoff, Librarian by New York, N.Y. : American Jewish Historical Society, 1967-
Other title:
  • Manuscript collections, American Jewish Historical Society
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Black history : a reappraisal / edited with commentary by Melvin Drimmer. by
Publication details: Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Books, 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: OCLC Data (1).

Muscavado. by
Edition: [1st ed.].
Publication details: Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: National Library of Jamaica (1)Call number: F Hec. OCLC Data (1).


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