Gender in Caribbean development : papers presented at the Inaugural Seminar of the University of the West Indies, Women and Development Studies Project / edited by Patricia Mohammed, Catherine Shepherd ; with a new foreword by Elsa Leo-Rhynie. - 2nd ed. - Kingston, Jamaica : Canoe Press University of the West Indies, 1999. - xxii, 360 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Women's studies in an international context / Notes on the meaning and significance of development / Theories of women in development in the Caribbean: the ongoing debate / Women in development programmes: the Caribbean experience (1975-1985) / Feminism and feminist thought: an historical overview / Concepts in feminist theory: consensus and controversy / Notes on the social relations of gender / Some theoretical considerations on social class, class consciousness and gender consciousness / General problems and issues in studying the history of women / Gender, race and class in the Caribbean / Men, women and family in the Caribbean: a review / The Caribbean family revisited / Jobs, gender and development strategy in the commonwealth Caribbean / Researching women's work: 1985 and beyond / Images of men and women in the 1930s Calypsoes: the sociology of food acquisition in a context of survivalism / Ideology and culture in the Caribbean: transmissions through language policy in the education system / Feminism and the female authored West Indian novel: Paule Marshall's Brown girl, brownstones / Where do we go from here? Literature in English and the women's studies programme at UWI / Women and health: a sistren participatory workshop / Women and health: a sistren participatory workshop -- an analysis of the method / Early women's organizations in Trinidad: 1920s to 1950s / My views on women's involvement in organizations in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean / The contemporary women's movement in Trinidad and Tobago / Lucille Mathurin Mair -- Norman P. Girvan -- A. Lynn Bolles -- Peggy Antrobus -- Rhoda Reddock -- Amrita Chhachhi -- Kate Young -- Sonia Cuales -- Bridget Brereton -- Rosina Wiltshire-Brodber -- Christine Barrow -- Patricia Mohammed -- Ralph Henry -- Joycelin Massiah -- Gordon Rohlehr -- Kathleen Drayton -- Marjorie Thorpe -- Elaine Savory Fido -- Joan French -- Patricia Mohammed -- Gema Ramkeesoon -- Nesta Patrick -- Thelma Henderson. I. WOMEN'S STUDIES: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS -- II. GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT: MODELS AND THEORIES -- III. FEMINISM: HISTORICAL AND CONCEPTUAL -- IV. DISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES -- V. IDEOLOGY AND CULTURE -- VI. WOMEN'S LITERATURE AND LITERARY CRITICISM -- VII. ALTERNATIVE METHODOLOGY -- VIII. WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS AND WOMEN WHO ORGANIZE --

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Women in development--Caribbean Area.
Women--Social conditions.--Caribbean Area
Feminism--Caribbean Area.
Sex role--Caribbean Area.
Sex role.
Women in development.
Women--Social conditions.

Caribbean Area.

HQ1240.5.C27 / U55 1986b
