Taking care of what we have : participatory natural resource management on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua / Patrick Christie [and others]. - Managua, Nicaragua : Ottawa : Centro de Investigaciones y Documentacion de La Costa Atlantica ; International Development Research Centre, 2000. - x, 169 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 157-166).

The setting, issues, and research methods -- The people and natural resources of Pearl Lagoon -- No life without fish : a local history of fisheries resources and their use -- "Going far to catch a fish" : local perceptions of the dynamics and impacts of a changing resource base -- CAMPlab : the Coastal Area Monitoring Project and Laboratory -- Walking a fine line : the dynamics of the participatory action research process -- Working with the people : lessons learned.

0889369259 9780889369252

009801456 can


Coastal Area Monitoring Project and Laboratory (Nicaragua)
Coastal Area Monitoring Project and Laboratory (Nicaragua)

Coastal zone management--Nicaragua--Atlantic Coast--Case studies.
Fishery management--Nicaragua--Perlas Lagoon.
Coastal ecology--Nicaragua--Atlantic Coast.
Littoral--Am enagement--Nicaragua--Atlantique, C ote de l'--Cas, Etudes de.
P eches--Gestion--Nicaragua--Perlas Lagoon.
Ecologie littorale--Nicaragua--Atlantique, C ote de l'.
Coastal ecology.
Coastal zone management.
Fishery management.

Perlas Lagoon (Nicaragua)
Atlantic Coast (Nicaragua)--Environmental conditions.
Perlas, Lagune de (Nicaragua)
Environnement--Nicaragua--Atlantique, C ote de l'.
Nicaragua--Atlantic Coast.
Nicaragua--Perlas Lagoon.

hulpbronnenbeheer resource management natuurlijke hulpbronnen natural resources kustgebieden ecology coastal areas ecologie nicaragua Education for Sustainable Development Onderwijs t.b.v. duurzame ontwikkeling

Case studies.
Case studies.

S934.N58 / T26 2000
