Integration in the library organization / Christine E. Thompson, editor. - New York : Haworth Information Press, 2000. - 140 pages ; 22 cm. - Library science : Management . - Library Science (Binghamton, NY) .

"Published also as v. 29, no. 2 of the Journal of library administration."

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction / Christine E. Thompson -- Blurred lines, clear future : personal perspectives on the reference and cataloger partnership / Maria Anna Jankowska, Nancy J. Young -- The false dualism : technical services vs. public services / Margaret Bing -- A perfect fit : tailoring library positions to match individual skills / Christine DeZelar-Tiedman -- Both sides now; or paradise now / David P. Miller -- The collegial environment and the functional organization / Mary K. Bolin -- Outsourcing : the Hawaiian experience / Stephanie A. Strickland -- Dismantling the wall between technical services and public services / Mary S. Alexander, Janet DeForest -- Public services satellite cataloging operations and non-print backlogs / Karen Davis -- A shared experience : working in partnership in a team-based environment / David Garnes, Susan P. Smith -- Public and technical services : one cataloger's perception / Sean Saxon -- Floor covering options for "sick buildings" : a collaborative study / Elizabeth N. Steinhagen, Mary H. Kay -- The Cataloging Advisory Group : a public/technical services forum / Christine E. Thompson -- Conclusions: Are we ready for the twenty-first century library organization? / Christine E. Thompson.

0789009846 9780789009845 0789009668 9780789009661 0789010070 9780789010070


GBA240068 bnb

Library administration.
Reference services (Libraries)--Management.
Technical services (Libraries)--Management.
Library administration.
Reference services (Libraries)--Management.
Technical services (Libraries)--Management.
Biblioth eques--Administration-- Etats-Unis.
Biblioth eques--Services de r ef erence.
Changement organisationnel--Biblioth eques.

Z678 / .I564 2000 HD6515.A8 / H6 1
