Spring Grove : the education of immigrant children /
[by] Trevor Burgin and Patricia Edson.
- London : published for the Institute of Race Relations by Oxford U.P., 1967.
- x, 112 pages : tables, diagram ; 23 cm 21/-
Includes bibliographical references (pages 111-112).
Foreword / by J.P.W. Mallalieu -- Prelude -- Patterns of immigrant arrival -- Social and cultural problems -- The development of the experiment -- The aims and application of the experiment -- Methods of approach -- Visual aids and educational equipment -- Testing and assessment -- Outside assistance -- West Indian children -- The values of a multiracial school -- Future needs.
0192181890 9780192181893
GB6702894 bnb
(AMICUS)000004517822 000536518 Uk 009664227 Uk 010899511 Uk
Huddersfield (England). Spring Grove School. Spring Grove School (Huddersfield, Angleterre)