UNESCO-WIPO world forum on the protection of folklore = Forum mondial UNESCO-OMPI sur la protection du folklore = F orum mundial UNESCO-OMPI sobre la protecci on del folclore.
Forum mondial UNESCO-OMPI sur la protection du folklore F orum mundial UNESCO-OMPI sobre la protecci on del folclore World forum on the protection of folklore
- [Geneva?] : Unesco : WIPO, 1998.
- iv, 244 pages ; 30 cm.
- Unesco publication ; no. CLT/CIC/98/1 WIPO publication ; no. 758 .
- Unesco publication ; no. CLT/CIC/98/1. WIPO publication ; no. 758. .
"Organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce, government of Thailand, Phuket, Thailand, April 8 to 10, 1997."
Includes bibliographical references.
Program -- Opening session -- Preservation and conservation of expressions of folklore -- Legal means of protection of expressions of folklore in national legislation -- Economic exploitation of expressions of folklore -- International protection of expressions of folklore -- Closing session and adoption of a plan of action -- List of participants.
9280507559 9789280507553
Intellectual property (International law)--Congresses. Folklore--Congresses. Folklore. Intellectual property (International law) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Culture. Protection.