Conteh-Morgan, John,

Theatre and drama in Francophone Africa : a critical introduction / John Conteh-Morgan. - xii, 243 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 223-239) and indexes.

The traditional context of Francophone drama -- From oral performances to modern drama : on the growth and development of a genre -- Francophone drama : the thematic dimension -- Aime Cesaire : La tragedie du roi Christophe; Une saison au congo -- Bernard Dadie : Beatrice du congo; Iles de tempete -- Cheik Ndao : L'exil d'Albouri -- Jean Pliya : Kondo le requin -- Tchicaya U'Tamsi : Le zulu -- Guillaume Oyono-Mbia : Trois pretendants ... un mari -- Senouvo Zinsou : On joue la comedie -- Zadi Zaourou : L'Oeil -- Werewere Liking : La puissance d'Um.

Discusses plays by Aim e C esaire, Bernard Dadi e, Cheik Ndao, Jean Pliya, Tchicaya U'Tamsi, Guillaume Oyono-Mbia, Senouvo Zinsou, Zadi Zaourou, Werewere Liking.

052143453X 9780521434539


GB94A1000 bnb

052-14345 Uk

C esaire, Aim e--Criticism and interpretation.
Dadi e, Bernard Binlin, 1916-2019 --Criticism and interpretation.
Ndao, Aliou, 1933- --Criticism and interpretation.
Pliya, Jean--Criticism and interpretation.
Tchicaya U Tam'si, 1931-1988 --Criticism and interpretation.
Oyono-Mbia, Guillaume, 1939- --Criticism and interpretation.
Zinsou, S enouvo Agbota, 1946- --Criticism and interpretation.
Zadi Zaourou, Bernard, 1938-2012 --Criticism and interpretation.
Werewere Liking, 1950- --Criticism and interpretation.

Geschichte 1960-1990

African drama (French)--History and criticism.
Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking West
Th e atre - Afrique francophone - Histoire.
Th e atre africain (fran cais) - 20e si ecle - Histoire et critique.
Th e atre africain (fran cais)--Histoire et critique.--20e si ecle
Th e atre--Histoire.--Afrique francophone
French-speaking Africa.
Subsaharan Africa.
French language.
18.26 French literature outside Europe.
24.11 history of drama.
African drama (French)
Franz osisch
African drama (French)--History and criticism.
Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking West
Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
Th e atre africain de langue fran caise--Histoire et critique.
Th e atre--Histoire.--Afrique francophone
Th e atre--Histoire.--Afrique occidentale francophone
Geschichte 1960-1990.

French-speaking Equatorial Africa.
French-speaking Western Africa.
Frankophones Afrika
Subsaharisches Afrika
Franz osisch.

African drama (French) History and criticism French drama Theater Africa, French-speaking Equatorial History Theater Africa, French-speaking West History Theater History Africa, French-speaking Equatorial Theater History Africa, French-speaking West

Criticism, interpretation, etc.

PQ3983 / .C66 1994
