Theatre and drama in Francophone Africa : a critical introduction /
John Conteh-Morgan.
- xii, 243 pages ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 223-239) and indexes.
The traditional context of Francophone drama -- From oral performances to modern drama : on the growth and development of a genre -- Francophone drama : the thematic dimension -- Aime Cesaire : La tragedie du roi Christophe; Une saison au congo -- Bernard Dadie : Beatrice du congo; Iles de tempete -- Cheik Ndao : L'exil d'Albouri -- Jean Pliya : Kondo le requin -- Tchicaya U'Tamsi : Le zulu -- Guillaume Oyono-Mbia : Trois pretendants ... un mari -- Senouvo Zinsou : On joue la comedie -- Zadi Zaourou : L'Oeil -- Werewere Liking : La puissance d'Um.
Discusses plays by Aim e C esaire, Bernard Dadi e, Cheik Ndao, Jean Pliya, Tchicaya U'Tamsi, Guillaume Oyono-Mbia, Senouvo Zinsou, Zadi Zaourou, Werewere Liking.
052143453X 9780521434539
GB94A1000 bnb
052-14345 Uk
C esaire, Aim e--Criticism and interpretation. Dadi e, Bernard Binlin, 1916-2019 --Criticism and interpretation. Ndao, Aliou, 1933- --Criticism and interpretation. Pliya, Jean--Criticism and interpretation. Tchicaya U Tam'si, 1931-1988 --Criticism and interpretation. Oyono-Mbia, Guillaume, 1939- --Criticism and interpretation. Zinsou, S enouvo Agbota, 1946- --Criticism and interpretation. Zadi Zaourou, Bernard, 1938-2012 --Criticism and interpretation. Werewere Liking, 1950- --Criticism and interpretation.
Geschichte 1960-1990
African drama (French)--History and criticism. Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking Equatorial Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking West Th e atre - Afrique francophone - Histoire. Th e atre africain (fran cais) - 20e si ecle - Histoire et critique. Th e atre africain (fran cais)--Histoire et critique.--20e si ecle Th e atre--Histoire.--Afrique francophone French-speaking Africa. Subsaharan Africa. theatre. literature. French language. 18.26 French literature outside Europe. 24.11 history of drama. African drama (French) Theater. Drama Franz osisch Theater Toneelstukken. Frans. Toneelvoorstellingen. African drama (French)--History and criticism. Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking West Theater--History.--Africa, French-speaking Equatorial Th e atre africain de langue fran caise--Histoire et critique. Th e atre--Histoire.--Afrique francophone Th e atre--Histoire.--Afrique occidentale francophone Geschichte 1960-1990.
French-speaking Equatorial Africa. French-speaking Western Africa. Afrika Frankophones Afrika Subsaharisches Afrika Franz osisch.
African drama (French) History and criticism French drama Theater Africa, French-speaking Equatorial History Theater Africa, French-speaking West History Theater History Africa, French-speaking Equatorial Theater History Africa, French-speaking West