After the electronic revolution : will you be the first to go? /
Arnold Hirshon, editor.
- Chicago : American Library Association, 1993.
- ix, 62 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"Proceedings of the 1992 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services President's Program, 29 June 1992, American Library Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA."
Includes bibliographical references.
The convergence of publishing and bibliographic access / Arnold Hirshon -- You, the guardians of literature still (keynote address) / Theodor Holm Nelson -- Intellectual preservation in the electronic environment / Peter S. Graham -- Librarians on a tightrope : getting from here to there and loosening up in the process / Susan K. Martin -- Implementation of electronic information systems in universities and the implications for change in scholarly research / Thomas Duncan.
0838976506 9780838976500
(AMICUS)000012554133 BA27144694 JP-ToKJK
Libraries and electronic publishing--United States--Congresses. Library Automation. Organizational Innovation. Libraries. Publishing. Information Services. Biblioth ques et dition lectronique--Congr s Libraries and electronic publishing. Bibliotheekautomatisering. Bibliotheekpersoneel. Biblioth eques et edition electronique. Edition electronique.
United States.
Libraries and electronic publishing United States Congresses