Grimshaw, Anna.

The C.L.R. James archive : a reader's guide / by Anna Grimshaw. - New York : C.L.R. James Institute : Cultural Correspondence, 1991. - 108 pages ; 22 cm

"Published in co-operation with Smyrna Press"--Label on t.p. verso.

"Other source material relating to James": p. 106-107.

0918266297 9780918266293

James, C. L. R. 1901-1989 --Archives.
James, C. L. R. 1901-1989.
James, C. L. R. 1901-1989.
James, Cyril Lionel Robert, 1901-1989.

C.L.R. James Institute--Archives--Catalogs.
C.L.R. James Institute.



PR9272.9.J35 / Z675 1991

818.5 / JAMES