Report of the Chaguaramas Joint Commission / [Charles Arden-Clarke, chairman]. - London : H.M.S.O., 1958. - iv, 61 pages : illustrations (folded maps) ; 34 cm. - Great Britain. Colonial Office. Colonial No ; 338 . - Great Britain. Colonial Office. Colonial ; No 338. .

At head of title: Colonial Office.

Commission established to investigate aspects of moving the U.S. Naval base at Chaguaramas, Trinidad to another site to make way for the federal capital of the West Indian Federation. Represented were Trinidad and Tobago, the British West Indies, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Navy-yards and naval stations, American--Trinidad and Tobago.
Capitals (Cities)
Navy-yards and naval stations, American.

West Indies (Federation)--Capital and capitol.
Trinidad and Tobago.
Trinidad and Tobago.
West Indies--West Indies (Federation)

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