Gender in Caribbean development : papers presented at the Inaugural Seminar of the University of the West Indies, Women and Development Studies Project /
editors, Patricia Mohammed, Catherine Shepherd ; foreword, Lucille Mathurin Mair.
- Mona, Jamaica : The University of the West Indies, Women and Development Studies Project, 1988.
- xvii, 372 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references.
9768057009 9789768057006
Women in development--Caribbean Area. Women--Social conditions.--Caribbean Area Feminism--Caribbean Area. Sex role--Caribbean Area. Femmes dans le d eveloppement--Cara ibes (R egion) Femmes--Conditions sociales.--Cara ibes (R egion) F eminisme--Cara ibes (R egion) R ole selon le sexe--Cara ibes (R egion) Feminism. Sex role. Women in development. Women--Social conditions.
Caribbean Area.
caribisch gebied caribbean samenwerking cooperation ontwikkelingshulp development aid ontwikkelingsprojecten development projects planning plattelandsontwikkeling rural development plattelandsplanning rural planning sociale verandering social change sociale ontwikkeling social development sociale economie socioeconomics positie van de vrouw woman's status vrouwen women economische planning economic planning vrouwenemancipatie emancipation of women gelijke behandeling van de vrouw female equality feminisme feminism vrouw en samenleving woman and society vrouwenbeweging women's movement Gender and Development Gender en ontwikkeling