Bishop, Maurice.

In nobody's backyard : Maurice Bishop's speeches, 1979-1983 : a memorial volume / edited by Chris Searle. - London : Totowa, N.J. : Zed Books ; US distributor, Biblio Distribution Center, 1984. - xli, 260 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. - Third World books . - Third World books. .

Includes bibliographical references (page xli).

Introduction / Richard Hart -- Maurice Bishop lives / George Lamming -- A bright new dawn -- In nobody's backyard -- Organise to fight destabilisation -- Beat back destabilisers -- New Martyrs, new patriots -- Health for all -- a right of the Caribbean masses -- Education is a must! -- Work towards integrated agricultural development with regional co-operation -- In the spirit of Butler, unionise! mobilise! educate! Democratise! -- Emulation is the seed that brings the fruit of excellence -- Forward to 1982 -- the year of economic construction -- Not one human right has ever won without struggle -- Turn the words around! -- Fight unemployment through production! -- Heirs of marryshow -- One Caribbean! -- For the cultural sovereignty of the Caribbean people! -- Long live the women of free Grenada! -- 'Every grain of sand is ours!' -- Forward to peace, genuine independence and development in a United America -- Our America! -- We proudly share the noble dreams of Martin and Malcolm -- Appendix 1: Fascism: a Caribbean reality? -- Appendix 2: 'We have the right to build our country after our own likeness'.

0862322499 9780862322496 0862322480 9780862322489


GB8429063 bnb

010737653 Uk


Politics and government

Grenada--Politics and government--1974-1983.
Caribbean Area--Politics and government--1945-

Caribbean region Politics.

F2056.83.B57 / A5 1984 JL599.5
