Downes, W. D. 1884-

With the Nigerians in German East Africa, Nigerians in German East Africa by Captain W.D. Downes ... With 31 illustrations and 5 maps. - London, Methuen & Co. [1919] - xiii pages, 1 leaf, 352 pages plates, 2 portraits (including frontispiece) 5 maps (1 folded) 23 cm

"This account deals entirely with the Nigeria regiment [of the West African Frontier Force]"--Page 1, Introd. Appendix C: Awards in the Nigerian brigade for service during the German East African campaign (p. 304-339).


000976602 Uk

Great Britain. Army. Royal West African Frontier Force. Nigeria Regiment.


World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns--Tanzania.
World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns--German East Africa.
World War, 1914-1918--Regimental histories--Great Britain.
Military campaigns.
Regimental histories.

Africa--German East Africa.
Great Britain.

D576 / .G3D8
