Parry, Odette, 1954-

Male underachievement in high school education in Jamaica, Barbados, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines / Odette Parry. - Kingston, Jamaica : Canoe Press, 2000. - vi, 75 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 69-75).

Gender and Caribbean High School Achievement -- The Study Methods -- Background to the Research -- Gender Expectations -- The Use of Verbal Discipline -- The Issue of Male Role Models -- Coeducation Versus Single Sex Schools -- Gender Socialization: Issues of Nature and Nurture -- Sex/Gender Identity Development -- Concluding Discussion.

In addressing the issue of male underachievement, the book challenges the popularly held assumption that boys fail because girls achieve. Rather than blaming Caribbean females for male underachievement, the book locates male educational performance in the historical context of Caribbean gender identities. UNICEF and the Institute of Social and Economic Research funded the research on gender and Caribbean high school achievement upon which this book is based. Parry discusses key findings in the areas of gender expectations, verbal discipline, male role models, coeducation vs. single-sex schools, gender socialization, and sex/gender identity development.

976812573X 9789768125736



Teenage boys--Education (Secondary)--West Indies.
Underachievers--Social conditions--West Indies--21st century.
Sex differences in education--West Indies.
Gar cons--Enseignement secondaire--Jama ique.
Gar cons--Enseignement secondaire--Barbade.
Gar cons--Enseignement secondaire--Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines.
Diff erences entre sexes en education--Jama ique.
Diff erences entre sexes en education--Barbade.
Diff erences entre sexes en education--Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines.
Retard es scolaires--Jama ique.
Retard es scolaires--Barbade.
Retard es scolaires--Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines.
Sex differences in education.
Underachievers--Social conditions.

West Indies.

LC1394 / .P37 2000
