Driven by desperation : how a Jamaican-born child overcame extreme poverty and adversity to live the American dream /
Michael A. Folkes.
- ii, 165 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
"Everyone loves a great rags-to-riches story, but Michael Folkes' tale is far more than that. It's a chronology that sounds almost more make-believe than real. Born into poverty and abuse in Jamaica, Michael could have become just one more underprivileged statistic, condemned to a life of punishing labor, were it not for his mother's throwing up her hands in despair one day and taking him to live with his paternal grandparents. That changed everything. Melbourne Folkes taught his grandson the values of honor, commitment and faith in God. Michael listened and learned..."
9780986220807 0986220809
Folkes, Michael A., 1968-
Businesspeople--Ohio--Hamilton--Biography. Minority business enterprises--Ohio--Hamilton--Biography. Jamaican Americans--Ohio--Biography. Businesspeople. Jamaican Americans. Minority business enterprises.