The terror and the time : banal violence and trauma in Caribbean discourse /
Banal violence and trauma in Caribbean discourse
Paula Morgan.
- ix, 247 pages ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 223-231) and index.
Introduction: "Some deep, amnesiac blow" -- Part 1. Ontologies -- "Re-membering our scattered skeletons": literary representations of the Zong Massacre -- "The womb of my otherness": Creolization in "The view from the terrace" and "Barbados" -- Lament of the unhomely: nationhood and nonbelonging in the work of V.S. Naipaul -- "Something inside is laid wide like a wound": Walcott's city of pain and promise -- Part 2. Social issues -- One day for the hunter, one day for the prey: state criminality in Danticat's fiction -- "When memory is a bruise still tender": ageing and alzheimer's in Cascade and Soucouyant -- "Naked with unknowing": cildhood trauma and the unmaking of self -- "Rum till I die": discourses of alcoholism and death -- "No money, no love": representations of the social impact of poverty.
9789766404963 9766404968
Caribbean literature--History and criticism. Violence--Caribbean Area. 18.07 English literature outside Europe and the USA. 18.26 French literature outside Europe. Caribbean literature. Violence.