Ligon, Richard

A true and Exact/History/of the Island of/Barbados. Illustrated with a Mapp of the Island, as/also the Principall Trees and Plants there, set forth/in their due Proportions and Shapes, drawne out by their severall and respective Scoles. Together with the Ingenio that makes the Sugar, with the Plots of the severall Houses, Roomes and other places, that/are used in the whole proceffe of Sugar - making viz. the Grinding - /room, the Boyling-room the Fillin-room, the curling -/house Still - house, and Furnaces /All cut in Copper By Richard Ligon Gent. - London printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Armes in St. Paul's church yard 1657 - 10, 122, 3 . 6 plates, folded, map 3 folded, diagrams 26 cm


Barbados--Description and travel--17th century

RBC 917.2981 Lig