Cutteridge, J. O. 1887-

Geography of the West Indies and adjacent lands. - New and rev. ed. New and revised ed. with coloured maps and 16 half-tone plates. - London : Nelson, [1947] - x, 326 pages : illustrations, maps (some color) ; 21 cm

First ed. was published 14 years earlier; Revision undertaken at suggestion of Sir Frank Stockdale, Comptroller, C.D.& W. First ed... CONTENTS: Pt.I.: General survey; P. II: Detailed survey of each island; Pt.III: World relations of the West Indies; Appendix incl. information on imports and exports...

Physical geography--West Indies.
Economic geography.
Economic geography.
Physical geography.

West Indies--Description and travel.
Caribbean Area--Description and travel.
Latin America--Description and travel.
Caribbean Area.
Latin America.
West Indies.

917.29, Cut