Employers on the move in the CSME : opportunities, roles and responsibilities of employers in the CARICOM single market and economy /
International Labour Organization, Subregional Office for the Caribbean.
- Port of Spain : ILO, 2007.
- 14 pages
CARICOM single market and economy -- Right to establish a buisiness -- Where to set up a business -- Provision of services -- Where to provide services -- Free movement of labour -- Free movement of capital -- Translating economic gain into social progress -- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work -- Equal opportunity and treatment in employment -- Responsibilities of employers in the CSME -- Having a voice at work -- No compulsory work -- No forced labour -- Protection of children -- Elimination of child labour -- Moving forward.
Caribbean Community. Caribbean--English-speaking-Economic integration. Caribbean--English-speaking-Social conditions. Employers' liability. Employers role. Employers' liability. employers role. employers liability. management rights. business. common market. CARICOM. Caribbean. r ole des employeurs. responsabilit e de l'employeur. droits patronaux. affaires. march e commun. CARICOM. Cara ibes. papel de los empleadores. responsabilidad del empleador. derechos de la direcci on. negocios. mercado com un. CARICOM. Caribe.