ICT infrastructure in emerging Asia : policy and regulatory roadblocks / edited by Rohan Samarajiva, Ayesha Zainudeen. - Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, 2008. - 333 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

What is ... and What Could Have been ... -- Demand at the Bottom of the Pyramid -- Introduction -- What Do Users at the Bottom of the Pyramid Want? / Strategies on a Shoestring / I Just Called to Say: Teleuse under a Ceasefire / Access, Against All Odds -- Introduction -- Geektivism / Making a Business out of a Village Phone / Wi-Fi: The Network Fix / Regulation: To Stifle or Enable? -- Introduction. Ayesha Zainudeen -- Ayesha Zainudeen and Tahani Iqbal -- Rohan Samarajiva, Mariam Hameed and Ayesha Zainudeen -- Tahani Iqbal and Onno W. Purbo -- Malathy Knight-John -- Divakar Goswami -- Introduction. Sect. 1. Ch. 1. Ch. 2. Ch. 3. Sect. 2. Ch. 4. Ch. 5. Ch. 6. Sect. 3.

9780761936732 0761936734 9788178298399 8178298392


GBA940957 bnb

014626301 Uk

Telecommunication policy--Asia.
Infrastructure (Economics)--Asia.
Infrastructure (Economics)
Telecommunication policy.

S udasien

HE8343 / .I28 2008
