Caribbean imperatives : regional governance and integrated development /
edited by Kenneth Hall and Denis Benn.
- Kingston, Jamaica ; Miami : Ian Randle, 2005.
- xxx, 341 pages ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Ch. 1. Striving toward a reconfiguration of a rational community through shared sovereignty / Edward Greene -- Ch. 2. Reconceptualizing the Caribbean community : reconciling individual and collective exercise of sovereignty -- a legal perspective / Cuthbert Joseph -- Ch. 3. Sovereignty and the search for recognition / Ian Boxill -- Ch. 4. 'Meck West Indies federate' : celebrating the arts of regional integration in the poetry of Louise Bennett / Carolyn Cooper -- Ch. 5. My generation comes to power : a time for Caribbean leadership and political transformation / Robert Buddan -- Ch. 6. On strengthening national foundations for regional governance / Trevor Munroe -- Ch. 7. The CARICOM commission : towards a mature regionalism / Shridath Ramphal -- Ch. 8. Towards a commission or executive authority for the community / Roderick Rainford -- Ch. 9. Mature regionalism and the Rose Hall declaration on regional governance / Havelock R. Brewster -- Ch. 10. Rationalizing the functions of the organs of the community / P. I. Gomes -- Ch. 11. Making the CARICOM administrative machinery work : the decentralization and leadership factor / Edwin Jones and Ivan Cruickshank -- Ch. 12. Caribbean governance : solving the St. Kitts-Nevis dilemma and the Caribbean-Atlantic wide participation conundrum / Neville C. Duncan -- Ch. 13. The economic impact of Caribbean regional integration : national policy and intra-regional performance differences / Alvin G. Wint -- Ch. 14. Future possibilities for capital and financial markets within the CARICOM single market and economy / Sandra Shirley -- Ch. 15. Production integration revisited in the context of the CARICOM single market and economy / Byron Blake -- Ch. 16. Caribbean economic integration : what is happening now; what needs to be done / Trevor M. A. Farrell -- Ch. 17. Production integration : perspectives from the OECS / Randolph Cato -- Ch. 18. Fundamental mechanisms of CARICOM-type economies : revisiting the dynamics of West Indian economic integration / Clive Thomas -- Ch. 19. Governance structures for the formulation and negotiation of trade policy / Gail Mathurin -- Ch. 20. Rebalancing Caribbean trade relationships / David Jessop -- Ch. 21. Integrating our CARICOM family / Rosalea Hamilton -- Ch. 22. CARICOM and international integration : aspects of the investment debate / Stephen Vasciannie -- Ch. 23. Multilateralism in international relations : past practice and future promise / S. R. Insanally -- Ch. 24. Promoting multilateralism as the guiding principle in international relations / Don Mills -- Ch. 25. The Caribbean in a 'world that has lost its way' and the 'crisis' of multilateralism / Tyrone Ferguson -- Ch. 26. The challenges to multilateralism : a role for the small states of CARICOM / Christopher Hackett -- Ch. 27. The future of globalisation in a unipolar age / John Rapley.
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013181027 Uk
Karibische Gemeinschaft.
Since 1945
International economic integration. Politics and government
Caribbean Area--Politics and government--1945- Caribbean Area--Economic integration. Caribbean Area.