Caribbean tourism : people, service and hospitality /
edited by Chandana Jayawardena.
- Kingston, Jamaica : Ian Randle, 2005.
- xvi, 293 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine derived contents note: SECTION 1: -- HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT &MANAGEMENT -- 1. AssessingTourism Training Needs in the Caribbean 3 -- Kwame R. Charles -- 2. Selection and Retention Issues in the US Tourism Industry: 23 -- Lessons for the Caribbean -- Frank E. Kuzmits -- 3. Human Resource Management in theTourism Industry of Barbados 39 -- Gale Yearnwood -- 4. Human Resource Development for Grenada'sTourism Industry 53 -- Michelle L. McDonald and Roiston O. Hopkin -- 5. Human Resource Management and Development in Jamaica: 63 -- Challenges and Opportunities -- A. Denise Gooden -- SECTION 2: PEOPLE -- 6. Managing Dysfunctional People in the Hospitality Industry: 81 -- Viewpoints of a Psychologist -- Tony A. D. Green -- 7. Destination Cuba and Afro Centric Opportunities 91 -- Chandanajayvawardena, Alberto N. Jones and Ernest P Boger -- 8. Tourism Harassment in Jamaica: Crime or Career? 106 -- Jacqueline Getfield -- 9. Infusion of Tourism in School Curricula: 119 -- A Foundation for CulturalTourism in Jamaica -- Jean Small -- 10. Sabbath Keeping within the Hospitality Industry 128 -- Eritha 0. Huntler and Carol Barnes Reid -- 11. One love, One heart and Skin Teeth Women Workers in Negril, 136 -- Jamaica -- A. Lynn Bolles -- SECTION 3: SERVICE -- 12. 20/20Visionary Leadership for a Strong Caribbean Brand Strategy 151 -- Michael Cox -- 13. Service vs. Servility: 171 -- Creating a Service Attitude in the Caribbean Hospitality Industry -- Naline Ramdeen Joseph -- 14. An Insight onTraining and Development in the Hospitality Sector in 182 -- Jamaica -- Jerrr A Kum, Roxanne Benjamin Hoppie, Rhonda Craaford and Oscar Pacheco Lopez -- 15. Students' Perceptions of Hospitality Internship: 200 -- A Case Study from The Bahamas -- Tika N. Sharma, Ainsler M. O'Reills and Christos D. Sal/uris -- SECTION 4: HOSPITALITY BUSINESS -- 16. Service and Hospitality in All Inclusives and Resorts: 215 -- Viewpoints of an International Hotelier -- Howard S. Spittle -- 17. All Inclusive Business in the Caribbean 223 -- John Issa and ChandanuaJaiawardena -- 18. An Analysis of the Small Hotel Sector in the Caribbean: 236 -- Case studies from Belize, Haiti and Suriname -- Kathlrn Craig, Vayola Nicolas and Shakira Oxler -- 19. Small Hotel Businesses: 254 -- Case Studies from Curaqao, Dominica and Jamaica -- Mariela Berkenreld Nicolaas, Rosann M. S. J]ansen and Dawn Symes -- Bibliography 272 -- Contributors 283.