Art and cultural heritage : law, policy, and practice /
edited by Barbara T. Hoffman.
- xxxviii, 562 pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Exploring and establishing links for a balanced art and cultural heritage policy / The law of S e : linking the spiritual and material / The obligation to prevent and avoid destruction of cultural heritage : from Bamiyan to Iraq / Beyond Bamiyan : will the world be ready next time? / The role of the museum in developing heritage policy / An archaeologist's view of the trade in unprovenanced antiquities / Reflexions on the causes of illicit trade in cultural property and some potential cures / The growing complexity of international art law : conflict of laws, uniform law, mandatory rules, UNSC resolutions and EU regulations / Cultural rights, cultural property, and international trade / Management and conservation of Guatemala's cultural heritage : a challenge to keep history alive / The protection of cultural patrimony in Peru / Cultural patrimony and property rights in Peru / Putting the IFAR Cuzco Inventory to work / Cultural property legislation in Mexico : past, present, and future / The protection of cultural heritage in Colombia / Chronological overview of developments in Bolivian and Latin American cultural heritage legislation with a special emphasis on the protection of indigenous culture / Illicit traffic in cultural heritage in the Southern Cone : a case study based on the Paraguayan experience / The Nigerian and African experience on looting and trafficking in cultural objects / The protection of cultural heritage items in New Zealand / Angkor sites, cultural world heritage / International art transactions and the resolution of art and cultural property disputes : a United States perspective / The illicit trade in cultural objects : recent developments in the United Kingdom / Summum ius suma iniuria : stolen Jewish cultural assets under legal examination / European Union legislation pertaining to cultural goods / Hypothetical on the enforcement of export prohibitions and a commentary on the hypothetical / Excerpts from the memoire "Le regime juridique et fiscal francais des importations et exportations d'oeuvres d'art" / World heritage : linking cultural and biological diversity / Judicial interpretations of the World Heritage Convention in the Australian courts / Paris down under : world heritage impacts in Australia / The cultural landscape of the agave and the production of tequila / National heritage areas : developing a new conservation strategy / The United States and the World Heritage Convention / Cultural heritage legislation : the historic centre of Old Havana / The World Bank's policy on physical cultural resources / BTC Pipeline Project and the preservation of cultural heritage / Tale of Zeugma and the Birecik Project / The impact of cultural resources laws on the United States mining industry / Minimising the environmental and cultural impacts of oil operations in emerging economies : transnational oil companies and voluntary international environmental standards / The 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage / The collision of property rights and cultural heritage : the salvors' and insurers' viewpoints / Finders keepers losers weepers : myth or reality? An Australian perspective on historic shipwrecks / The shades of harmony : some thoughts on the different contexts that coastal states face as regards the 2001 Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention / Underwater cultural heritage at risk : the case of the Dodington coins / Intellectual property and the protection of traditional knowledge and cultural expressions / Who owns traditional knowledge? A personal and industry view / Protecting Maori heritage in New Zealand / Culture, science, and indigenous technology / Recent developments in the regulation of traditional herbal medicines / The "universal museum" : a case of special pleading? / Africa and its museums : changing of pathways? / The National Institute of Anthropology and History / How much provenance is enough? Post-Schultz guidelines for art museum acquisition of archaeological materials and ancient art / M aori Taongo, M aori identity / Unfolding intangible cultural heritage rights in tangible museum collections : developing standards of stewardship / Indigenous cultural and intellectual property rights : a digital library context / The role of museums today : tourism and cultural heritage / Finding solutions for lost cities : indigenous populations and biological and cultural diversity / Cultural heritage preservation : a National Trust perspective / Costa Rica's biodiversity law : searching for an integral approach to cultural and biological diversity / Partnership paradigms combining microbial discovery with preservation of tropical biodiversity and sustainable development / Costa Rica's legal framework for the sponsorship and protection of its cultural heritage / Financial regulations and tax incentives with the aim to stimulate the protection and preservation of cultural heritage in Spain / ARPAI : the successful intervention of private citizens in the protection of Italy's artistic and archaeological heritage / Arbitration of international cultural property disputes : the experience and initiatives of the Permanent Court of Arbitration / Mediation as an option for resolving disputes between indigenous/traditional communities and industry concerning traditional knowledge / Thoughts of an alternative dispute resolution practitioner on an international ADR regime for repatriation of cultural property and works of art / Barbara T. Hoffman -- Ramon Gil ; Alan Ereira, translator -- Francesco Francioni and Federico Lenzerini -- James Cuno -- Alissandra Cummins -- Neil Brodie -- Manus Brinkman -- Guido Carducci -- Barbara T. Hoffman -- Juan Antonio Vald es -- Jack Batievsky and Jorge Velarde -- Alberto Martorell-Carre no -- Frederic J. Truslow -- Norma Rojas Delgadillo -- Juan Carlos Uribe -- Elizabeth Torres -- Oscar Centurion Frontanilla -- Folarin Shyllon -- Sir Ian Barker -- K erya Chau Sun -- Barbara T. Hoffman -- Adrian Parkhouse -- Peter Raue -- Barbara T. Hoffman -- Richard Crewdson -- Pearl Gourdon -- Mechtild R ossler -- Matthew Peek and Susan Reye -- Jane L. Lennon -- Ignacio G omez Arriola and Francisco Javier Lopez Morales -- Brenda Barrett, Nancy I.M. Morgan, and Laura Soulli ere Gates -- James K. Reap -- Maria Margarita Su arez Garcia -- Charles E. Di Leva -- Gary Paulson -- Do gan Ya giz -- Robert A. Bassett -- Alexandra S. Wawryk -- Tullio Scovazzi -- Forrest Booth -- Derek Luxford -- Ariel W. Gonz ales -- John Gribble and Craig Forrest -- Wend B. Wendland -- Bo Hammer Jensen -- Maui Solomon -- Hester du Plessis -- Zelda Pickup and Christopher Hodges -- Geoffrey Lewis -- George H. Okello Abungu -- Mar ia del Perpetuo Socorro Villareal Escarrega -- Ildiko P. DeAngelis -- Arapata Hakiwai -- Gerald R. Singer -- Robert Sullivan -- Yani Herreman -- Alvaro Soto -- Trevor A. Carmichael -- Vivienne Sol is Rivera and Patricia Madrigal Cordero -- Barbara T. Hoffman -- Sara Castillo Vargas -- Mar ia Rosa Su arez-Incl an Ducassi -- Alida Tua -- Brooks W. Daly -- J. Christian Winchard and Wend B. Wendland -- Ian Baker. Introduction to Parts II and III :
Art and Cultural Heritage are two pillars on which a society builds its identity, its values its sense of community and its individuals. The authors explore these demanding concerns, untangle basic values and look critically at the conflicts and contradictions in existing art and cultural heritage law and policy.
9780521857642 0521857643 9780521122979 052112297X
GBA592531 bnb GBA592531. bnb
013326289 Uk
Cultural property--Protection--Law and legislation. Cultural property--Protection--Law and legislation.