Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) : the high seat of medicine in Jamaica / [edited by John Hall and Hector Wynter]. - Kingston [Jamaica] : Pelican Publishers, 2003. - xxvi, 106 pages : illustrations, portraits

"A publication of Blue Cross of Jamaica and Environmental Health Foundation Limited."

Includes bibliographical references (pages 105-106).

9789766105594 9766105596

101236446 DNLM 014789541 Uk

Kingston Public Hospital (Kingston, Jamaica)
Kingston Public Hospital (Kingston, Jamaica)

Hospitals, Public--history.
Delivery of Health Care--history.
History, 20th Century.
History, 19th Century.
History, 18th Century.


RA975.U5 / K56 2003


2004 N-782 WX 28 DJ2 / K55 2003