Getting Haiti right this time : the U.S. and the coup /
Noam Chomsky, Paul Farmer, Amy Goodman.
- Monroe, Me. : Common Courage Press, 2004.
- 180 pages ; 20 cm
Chapters 3-17 comprise reports of interviews conducted by Amy Goodman on the radio and TV program Democracy now!
The 'noble phase' and 'saintly glow' of US foreign policy / What happened in Haiti? where past is present / US is encouraging a coup / 'Coup d' etat machine in motion' / US is arming anti-Aristide paramilitaries / Different coup, same paramilitary leaders / From the palace / 'I was kidnapped. Tell the world it is a coup.' / Exclusive interview: President Jean-Bertrand Aristide -- The full story of Aristide's kidnapping / Aristide returns to the Caribbean / Pressuring Jamaica / Defying Washington: Aristide arrives in Jamaica -- Aristide's bodyguard describe the US role in his ouster / US warns Aristide: stay out of hemisphere / President Aristide in his own words: part 1 -- President Aristide in his own words: part 2. Noam Chomsky -- Paul Farmer -- Representative Maxine Waters -- Kim Ives -- Ira Kurzban -- Allan Nairn, Maxine Waters, with Juan Gonzalez -- Mildred Aristide [and others] -- Maxine Waters, Randall Robinson -- Kim Ives -- Maxine Waters, Randall Robinson, Sharon Hay-Webster -- Hazel Ross-Robinson -- Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Franz Gabriel -- Randall Robinson [and others] --
Civil rights--Haiti. Human rights--Haiti. Droits de l'homme--Ha iti. Droits de l'homme (Droit international)--Ha iti. Civil rights. Diplomatic relations. Human rights. Politics and government United States of America. Hai͏̈ti. International relations. Government. Politics. Human rights.
United States--Foreign relations--Haiti. Haiti--Foreign relations--United States. Haiti--Politics and government--1986- Etats-Unis--Relations ext erieures--Ha iti. Ha iti--Relations ext erieures-- Etats-Unis. Ha iti--Politique et gouvernement--1986-1990. Ha iti--Politique et gouvernement--1990-1996. Ha iti--Politique et gouvernement--1996-2001. Ha iti--Politique et gouvernement--2001- Haiti. United States. F orenta staterna och Haiti.