Mendes, Margaret.

Essentials of Jamaican taxation / Margaret Mendes, Rachael A. McLean. - 2nd ed. - Kingston, Jamaica : CFM Publications, 2003. - xviii, 502 pages ; 26 cm

Ch. 1. Taxation theory -- Ch. 2. Taxation in Jamaica -- Ch. 3. Taxation of Emoluments I -- Ch. 4. Emoluments II -- Ch. 5. Individuals: Other Sources -- Ch. 6. Individuals:residences & Domicile -- Ch. 7. Individuals: Trade, Business, Profession & Vocation -- Ch. 8. Income from Trade, Business, Profession & Vocation I -- Ch. 9. Income from Trade, Business, Profession & Vocation II -- Ch. 10. Capital Allowances -- Ch. 11. Partnerships -- Ch. 12. Business: Agriculture -- Ch. 13. Taxation Companies I -- Ch. 14. Taxation Companies II -- Ch. 15. Financial Institutions -- Ch. 16. Other Entities -- Ch. 17. Anti-Avoidance -- Ch. 18. Income Tax Administration -- Ch. 19. General Consumption Tax -- Ch. 20. Taxes on Trade and Production -- Ch. 21. Other Taxes -- Ch. 22. Tax Incentives -- Ch. 23. Tax Incentives: Specific Industries.

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Income tax--Jamaica.
Business enterprises--Taxation--Jamaica.
Tax incentives--Jamaica.
Business enterprises--Taxation.
Income tax.
Tax incentives.


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