Phillips, Thomas, active 1693.

A journal of a voyage made in the Hannibal of London, Ann. 1693, 1694 : from England to Cape Monseradoe in Africa : and thence along the coast of Guiney to Whidaw, the island of St. Thomas : and so forward to Barbadoes : with a cursory account of the country, the people, their manners, forts, trade, &c. / by Thomas Phillips, commander of the said ship. - [London] : [J. Walthoe], [1732] - pages 173-239, [1] leaf of plates : maps ; 33 cm

Excerpted from: A collection of voyages and travels ... / A. Churchill. London : J. Walthoe, 1732.


Africa, West--Description and travel.
West Indies--Description and travel.
West Africa.
West Indies.

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