McKay, Claude, 1890-1948.

My green hills of Jamaica and five Jamaican short stories / Claude McKay ; edited & with an introduction by Mervyn Morris. - Kingston : Heinemann Educational Book (Caribbean), 1979. - xiii, 162 pages ; 21 cm

"This book brings together Claude McKay's draft of 'My green hills of Jamaica' (an autobiography of his early years) and five short stories which draw directly on that area of experience"--Page v.

"Books by Claude McKay": p. 162.


McKay, Claude, 1890-1948 --Childhood and youth.
McKay, Claude, 1890-1948.


Authors, Jamaican--20th century--Biography.
Authors, American--20th century--Biography.
Authors, American.
Authors, Jamaican.
Manners and customs.
McKay, Claude, 1891-1948

Jamaica--Social life and customs--Fiction.


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