The Black woman /
edited by La Frances Rodgers-Rose.
- 316 pages : graphs ; 23 cm
- Sage focus edition ; 21 .
- Sage focus editions ; 21. .
Includes bibliographical references.
The black woman : a historical overview / Some demographic characteristics of the black woman : 1940 to 1975 / Black fertility : recent demographic and sociological influences / The black woman and family roles / The black woman and child rearing / She who is black and mother : in sociology and fiction, 1940-1970 / "The means to put my children through" : child-rearing goals and strategies among black female domestic servants / Black mothers and the extended family support network / Marital interaction goals of black women : strengths and effects / On marital relations : perceptions of black women / Role transition in early adulthood : orientations of young black women / Black female professionals : dilemmas and contradictions of status / Dilemmas of black females in leadership / "Holding back the ocean with a broom" : black women and community work / Political behavior of American black women : an overview / Dialectics of black male-female relationships / Depression in black women : a theoretical appraisal / Black female suicides : is the excitement justified? / The women's liberation movement : understanding black women's attitudes / The self/group actualization of black women / La Frances Rodgers-Rose -- La Frances Rodgers-Rose -- Christina Brinkley-Carter -- Carrie Allen McCray -- Janice Hale -- Gloria Wade-Gayles -- Bonnie Thornton Dill -- Harriet Pipes McAdoo -- Essie Manuel Rutledge -- Lena Wright Myers -- Eleanor Engram -- Cheryl Bernadette Leggon -- Rhetaugh Graves Dumas -- Cheryl Townsend Gilkes -- Jewel L. Prestage -- La Frances Rodgers-Rose -- Chrisitine H. Carrington -- Delores P. Aldridge -- Willa Mae Hemmons -- Geraldine L. Wilson. Introduction : Part I. Social demographic characteristics -- Part II. The black woman and her family -- Part III. Political, educational, and economic institutions and the black woman -- Part VI. Social psychology of the black woman --