Wimpffen, Alexandre-Stanislas de, 1748-1819,

A voyage to Saint Domingo, in the years 1788, 1789, and 1790 / Francis Alexander Stanislaus, baron de Wimpffen ; translated from the original manuscript which has never been published, by J. Wright. - xviii, 371 pages: illustrations, frontispiece (folded map); 22 cm.

The French original was published in Paris, 1797, under title: Voyage a Saint-Domingue pendant les ann ees 1788-90.

Includes bibliographical references.

Translated from the French original, published in Paris, 1797, under title: Voyage a Saint-Domingue pendant les ann ees 1788-90.



Haiti--Description and travel.

F1901 / .W75

911.294, Sta