Swellengrebel, N. H. 1885-

Health of white settlers in Surinam / by N.H. Swellengrebel ; in collaboration with E. van der Kuyp. - Amsterdam : Colonial Institute at Amsterdam, 1940. - vii, 118 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm. - Colonial Institute at Amsterdam. Special publication ; no. 53 Department of Tropical Hygiene ; no. 16 .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Public health--Suriname.
44.73 geographical medicine.
44.75 infectious diseases, parasitic diseases.
Public health.


kolonialisme colonialism kolonisatie colonization gezondheidszorg health care politiek politics volksgezondheid public health nederzetting settlement sociale structuur social structure suriname inheemse volkeren indigenous people Medical Entomology Public Health Medische entomologie Volksgezondheid

RA472 / .S94