Resistance through rituals : youth subcultures in post-war Britain /
edited by Stuart Hall and Tony Jefferson.
- London : Hutchinson, 1976.
- 287 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
- Hutchinson university library Set books / Open University .
- Open University set book. Hutchinson university library. .
Label mounted on title page: Holmes & Meier, Import Division, New York.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 274-285) and index.
Introduction. -- Theory I. -- Clarke, J. [and others]. Subcultures, cultures and class. -- CCCS Mugging Group. Some notes on the relationship between the societal control culture and the news media. -- Ethnography. -- Jefferson, T. Cultural responses of the Teds. -- Hebdige, D. The meaning of mod. -- Clarke, J. The skinheads and the magical recovery of community. -- Corrigan, P. Doing nothing. -- Willis, P.E. The cultural meaning of drug use. -- Pearson, G. and Twohig, J. Ethnography through the looking-glass. -- Webster, C. Communes : a thematic typology. -- Hebdige, D. Reggae, rastas and rudies. -- Chambers, T.A strategy for living. -- Critcher, C. Structures, cultures and biographies. -- Theory II. -- Clarke, J. Style. -- Murdock, G. and McCron, R. Consciousness of class and consciousness of generation. -- McRobbie, A. and Garber, J. Girls and subcultures : an exploration. -- Powell, R. and Clarke, J.A note on marginality. -- Corrigan, P. and Frith, S. The politics of youth culture. -- Method. -- Roberts, B. Naturalistic research into subcultures and deviance. -- Butters, S. The logic of enquiry of participant observation.
0091279100 9780091279103 0091279119 9780091279110
GB7635068 bnb B7635068
(AMICUS)000000176668 012313099 Uk
Youth--Great Britain. Subculture--Great Britain. Social classes--Great Britain. Subculture. Adolescent [MESH] Psychology, Social [MESH] Anthropology, Cultural [MESH] Jeunesse--Grande-Bretagne. Service social a la jeunesse--Grande-Bretagne. Social classes. Subculture. Youth. Jugendkultur Subcultuur. Jeugd. Youth--Great Britain. Subculture. Social classes--Great Britain. Youth movements. Jeunesse--Grande-Bretagne. Classes sociales--Grande-Bretagne. Subculture--Grande-Bretagne. Contre-culture--Grande-Bretagne--1945-.
Grande-Bretagne--Conditions sociales--1945- Great Britain. Gro britannien