Africans abroad : a documentary history of the Black Diaspora in Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean during the age of slavery /
Graham W. Irwin.
- New York : Columbia University Press, 1977.
- xvi, 408 pages ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 391-399) and index.
AFRICA AND THE ANCIENT WORLD. Egypt. Black Badarians ; Badarian culture ; Black Egyptians : Rulers ; Black Egyptians : Soldiers ; Herodotus on Egypt -- Ethiopia. "The customs of the Ethiopians" ; The triumph of Piankhi -- Africans in classical antiquity. Color and race in Greece and Rome ; Roman knowledge of Black Africa ; The individual African contribution -- AFRICANS IN ASIA. The Middle East before Islam. The Stairway at Persepolis ; The Homeritae of Arabia Felix ; The Aksumite Conquest of the Yemen ; The story of 'Antara -- Blacks in the Islamic world . Sa'id ibn Misjah, the singer ; Faraj as-Sahrati, the benefactor ; The pious rainmaker ; Abu Ruwaim Nafe, the Kuran-reader ; Sa'id ibn Jubair, the Tabi ; 'Ata' ibn Abi Rabah, the Mufti ; Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi, the Caliph ; Farhan, the hospitable Amir -- The revolt of the Zanj. Sir Zanji, lion of the Zanj ; A servile war in the East ; The revolt according to al-Tabari ; Aftermath of the revolt -- Muslim attitudes toward Africa and Africans. Black Africa according to al-Andalusi ; A ship's Captain's tale ; The boast of the Blacks ; Race and color in Islam -- Africans in India. Jamal al-Din Yakut, favorite of the Queen of Delhi ; The Habshi Sultans of Bengal ; The Habshis of Bidar ; Malik 'Ambar, ruler of Ahmadnagar ; The Sidis of Janjira ; The attack on Bombway, 1689-90 ; The Sidis in the nineteenth century -- Africans in china. The "devil slaves" of Canton ; Mo-leh, the faithful servant -- AFRICANS IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN. The experience of slavery. A sugar plantation in Barbados, 1657 ; The "Negros" of Jamaica, 1707 ; Social structure of a slave society, 1789 ; Population of the British West Indies, 1791 ; Plantation slavery in early nineteenth-century Jamaica ; Saint-Domingue, 1731 ; Surinam, 1770 ; The life of a slave, 1828 ; The interior of Cuba, 1840 ; The Cuban slave trade, 1844 ; The life of a slave, 1851 ; The rights of a slave, 1859 ; Chinese slave labor in Cuba, 1862 : a comparison ; A diamond mine in Brazil, 1812 ; Brazilian sugar plantations, 1815 ; A spectrum of occupations, 1830 ; Slavery in Bahia, 1845 ; Slavery in Rio de Janeiro, 1856 ; A gold mine in Brazil, 1869 ; A Brazilian sugar plantation, 1880 -- Maroons. The Quilombo of Palmares ; The Maroons of Jamaica ; The "Bush Negroes" of Surinam ; The "Black Caribs" of St. Vincent ; The Palenques of Cuba -- Revolts. Mutiny during the Middle Passage ; Revolt in sixteenth-century Mexico ; Revolt in eighteenth-century Cuba ; The Jamaica Rebellion, 1831-32 ; Slave insurrections in Brazil -- Free Blacks. Panama : Militia companies ; Peru : Sumptuary legislation ; British West Indies : Rights and disabilities ; Jamaica : Social status ; Brazil : Opportunities for advancement ; Brazil : Ownership of slaves ; Brazil : Abolitionists ; Cuba : Political power ; Cuba : Social status ; Cuba : Emancipation Laws.