Vaughan, Thomas Wayland, 1870-1952.

A geological reconnaissance of the Dominican republic, by T.W. Vaughan, Wythe Cooke, D.D. Condit, C.P. Ross, W.P. Woodring, and F.C. Calkins. Prepared by the United States Geological survey. - Washington [Press of Gibson Brothers, Inc.] 1921. - 268 pages illustrations 26 cm. - Dominican Republic. Geological survey. Memoirs, vol. 1 . - Dominican Republic. Geological survey. Memoirs ; vol. 1. .

At head of title: Thomas Snowden, rear admiral, U.S. navy, military governor of Santo Domingo. R.M. Warfield, lieut. commander, C.E.C., U.S. navy, in charge of the Secretaryship of state of fomento and communications. Geological survey of the Dominican republic. Thomas Wayland Vaughan, geologist in charge. Official publications of the Secretaryship of state of fomento and communications, Dominican republic.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 18-25).

gs 22000016

Geology--Dominican Republic.
Geologi--Dominikanska republiken.

Dominican Republic.

QE226.D7 / A3 v. 1 QE226.D7 / V384 1921
