Hoetink, H.

The two variants in Caribbean race relations : a contribution to the sociology of segmented societies / H. Hoetink ; translated from the Dutch by Eva M. Hooykaas. - London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. - xii, 207 pages: illustrations, tables; 23 cm.

Translation of: De gespleten samenleving in het Caribisch gebied.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 190-197) and index.

The two Caribbean variants -- The counterpart of colonial derangement -- Sociologistic optimism and race -- The problem of race and the segmented society -- The somatic norm image -- The two variants and the somatic norm image.

In English. Translated from the Dutch.


GB6712774 bnb

(AMICUS)000001175677 009671865 Uk

Race relations.
Race relations.
Social conditions

Caribbean Area--Social conditions.
America--Race relations.
Caribbean Area.
Caribbean Area--Race relations.
Caribbean Area--Social conditions.

HN192 / .H613 1967

301.451 305.8009729
